Frankfurt. It is only the weather that is a bit moody at the
2nd Frankfurter Bankencup, the “The Cup of Good Hope”.
Coaches and many supporters of the 14 teams did not abort, as the popularity of the sports business highlight set the mood.
At the end of the tournament Frankfurt’s sport and economics councilor, Markus Frank, gave a short welcoming speech to a crowd of weary,
yet thoroughly satisfied faces.
Especially beaming at the end of the tournament were the players of the winning team, Helaba.
Applause was heard as the players held the “Bembel Cup”.
In addition to the “Bembel-Cup”, the organizer of the tournament, Michael Härtlein of MainLine Marketing,
presented the team with a spot in the 2011 BankenCup, as defending champions.
Second place went to the glorious Naspa team, while third place went to last years tournament winners, Aareal Bank.
Last place, and winner of the “Red Lantern“ went to the brave players of VP Gruppe/Factorem.
Despite some adverse weather conditions, the playing fields “Frankfurt”, named after the Frankfurt Economic Development group,
and “Liga Total”, named after Telekom, saw a total of 64 goals.
This scoring not only pleased the audience, but it also contributed to a good cause;
for BorseGo AG donated money for each goal scored to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Germany,
a non profit organization, which aids children facing difficult living conditions.
Speaking of goals: top scorer of the day, Torsten Kreuter of Oyak Anker Bank with five goals,
won a free weekend car rental from Autohaus Luft for a VW model of his choice.
Due to their spectacular preformance, Oyak Anker Bank will receive a giant banner, balloons,
and even their cheerleaders will receive apple wine from Kelterei Possmann.
Award for best team captain was given to Mrs. Beumer from the Deutschen Apotheker- und Arztebank.
She will be looking forward to a perfectly organized weekend vacation from the BankenCup’s travel sponsors Ameropa.
The award for defensive bulwark of the day went to Naspa, for not letting a single goal in during the first round of play.
They were awarded a complete network security package from sponsors The Bristol Group and Check Point Software Technologies.
In addition, The Bristol Group and Check Point Software Technologies raffled off a security workshop.
For scoring a total of ten goal in the tournament,
both Helaba and Oyak Anker Bank were awarded three months for a premium service from,
the financial portal of BorseGo AG, which this year celebrates its 10th Anniversary.
For the party mood, “Lena hin, Lena her” from Radio BOB’s DJ provided rock music, while guests, fans,
and players hung out in the comfortable Telekom Chill-Out-Area.
Also near was the large Telekom Truck, where people could take a small break and watch a live broadcast of the Formula 1 race in Istanbul,
which was shown on the many TV screens that Telekom Entertain Program provided.
Relaxation and massage was provided by physiotherapists from R2comSport.
The massage tables were set up with direct view of the playing fields, so that no kicker who needed kneading escaped.
The weather and the assembly/disassembly of the play equipment in the Riederwald playground did not detract from the mood.
All big and small visitors at the tournament were able to purchase delicious food and drinks from the Greek restaurant.
Thus, even Frankfurt’s sports and economics councilor,
Frank Markus is confident that “the second Frankfurter BankenCup is taking a step forward for Frankfurt’s sport business institute,
and that the “Cup of Good Hope”, is a positive sign for economic recovery”.
In addition, Michael Härtlein of MainLine Marking promises he will stay on the ball with next years BankenCup since
“sporting events provide a very attractive marketing platform for businesses to display themselves during and after the events”.
Therefore, he continues to take forward likes in registration of teams and business partners for the 2011 Frankfurt BankenCup,
and looks forward to the many commitments that have already been made on the site.
A detailed report is shortly expected in the Deutschen Anleger Fernsehen, rheinmainTV,
and a special supplement in the Frankfurter Rundschau, and in addition a spot in the “FR Green Team”.